Ahhhhh, that sinking feeling as you look at your year planner and realize how close you are to exams and the impending doom that is sure to follow. In my case, it's my GCSE's this May. Two years of preparation have went into these exams (1/8th of my life) and now they are looming right around the corner. The total anxiety I get as I am constantly reminded of the massive importance of these exam. My favorite quote so far is 'These will be shown at a job interview in 50 years time', that is just incomprehensible to me how 20 hours of exams can affect the rest of my life. This is the cause of many sleepless nights for me and even more unproductive days. Well, I'm sure you could have guessed that one themes of my blogs is going to be exams and the rest? I'll just see how it goes.
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